The before and after cut-scenes in Brothers of Arms: Road to Hill 30 are very well written and thought out, often summarizing the missions events and outcome in content to the overall war and allowing you to learn more about your men. Great visual effects in the cinematic presentation of game, bullets striking near you will bring up dust onto the screen, telling you to move, which adds a sense of realism that I really enjoyed. The success of each mission will unlock photos and reconnaissance photos that you can use to compare the actual events that occurred to Baker and his men during the first week of D-Day, to the events that occurred in the game, an interesting feature that gives Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 a connection to history. The writers based the story on the real-life missions of Sergeant Baker and his men, which makes each chapter even more fun and interesting to play. You and your men are tasked with fighting your way into the French town of Carenton, to capture and hold the town. The story begins the day before the D-Day invasion, as you and your Brothers in Arms parachute into France as part of the preamble to the actual landing at Normandy the next day.

The story line of Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 takes place over a seven day period of D-Day (the allied invasion of Europe during WWII) portrayed in seventeen chapters in the game. In Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 you’re Matt Baker, a real life veteran of the Screaming Eagles, the American 101st Airborne division of World War II fame. Having comrades who have died in previous battles stay dead, and new comrades appear when re-enforcements are required, might have added another layer of realism to the game. You may be slightly thrown off when buddies you saw die in previous missions, suddenly come back to life and appear in uniform and ready for the next mission. isn’t as intelligent as you might be hoping for, it will often do things, like run across your line of fire, that will have you wanting to pull the trigger, but real life would be the same. Great integration between the single-player experience and the squad level control mechanics to produce a fun and enjoyable ride through hell. Good multi-player mode that is fun to play, teamwork creates bonds, you and your friends can compete against other teams online. Out-standing first person controls have been combined with useful squad controls to give Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 triple the entertainment value of lesser titles in this genre. The developers did a great job presenting the game, it has a truly immersing look and feel to it, and is a adrenalin-filled cinematic adventure where you play the main part. The campaign included with Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is along and hard road to hell, never thought the road to hell would be so much damn fun. Design your own squad tactics and strategies for dealing with enemies using the tools you have on hand and fight your way through well paced missions using your head and not your muscles. isn’t as intelligent as we would like, often making decisions that will have you scratching your head). Teamwork is the key to success in battle, you have to play your part and rely on your buddies to do the job you need them to do (the A. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 has you hit the battlefield running, with stunning graphics, outstanding sound effects, and an engaging story line that will immerse you in an adrenalin filled universe of constant action.